Lets spread loving kindness- what do you say?
If you are a BIPOC client please use the code IMATTER at check out for all bodywork sessions for pricing to honor you and your ancestors in doing this work.
As the work we do is done on the floor, it reminds me often of the land and foundation that life as I know it has come from. Working on land that continues to not recognize all humans as equal, valuable, and worthy.
The layers of pain, and social implications of this run in the very fibers of our bodies, facia, spirits and souls. We also amplify your joy and holistic view of who you are. It is my deepest desire that when you come into my space, you will feel held, seen, and able to move from the code switching stresses of daily living and into a space where there are so many ways to say yes to what you need. To my Ebony clients- I welcome the anger, fear, rage, sadness, grief and inherited pain that you hold in your bodies and often feel you need to keep away or at bay, this is too much for any body to hold and should never have been yours in the first place. I say to you this mat is for you.
Come, rest, be, emote, feel, heal and be witnessed. Your big feelings are more than welcome with me.
As a White-identifying practitioner, I feel it is important to express publicly my appreciation for the beautiful modalities that I am deeply humbled and feel so honored to study and embody when I am in session. As is part of the tradition of offering Thai Massage I welcome in and pay my respects to all the practitioners that have come before me, and also to my teachers who first introduced me to this amazing work. I come as a student to the way of life, the culture and the medicine. I am a guest in the space.
Traditional Thai Massage is an ancient art with roots in Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine. It is thought to have originated from a medical practitioner, Dr. Jivaka, who traveled with the Buddha to India. Thank you Dr. Jivaka for your incredible gift to the world and to me. I will do my very best to honor your legacy with everything that I do.
Brazilian Zouk is an incredible blend of partner connection, dancing and freedom of expression in the body. The lessons I have learned in class and on the dance floor dramatically affect how I encourage movement in my sessions. The dance that I currently enjoy originated from Lambada and continues to be an ever evolving outward expression of the spectrum of emotions.
Reiki is a form of energy work that originated from Japan. Usui Mikao is the founder of this powerful modality that also taps into the person’s energy, allows for spirit-led messages to come through, flow to be restored and clearing of old or painful energy. Thank you Usiu Mikao for your medicine; the healing I have received from this care is priceless.
My life has personally been transformed by the work of both of these men as well as the teachers that have shared their knowledge and facilitated my experience. I am grateful for April Jay of Resilience Reiki, CC Barber who powerfully and beautifully invites the flow of the feminine to be part of her Energy Work and Mentorship; Erin Wright and Pamela Suden-Hart from East West College; Eric Vaulte from Thai Dai Massage; Nathalia Carbajal my Zouk Mama; Paul Elmore my Counselor and Oracle for navigating experiential healing modalities; and Megan Taylor of Bold CEO for releasing the inner Lioness in me. They have each played a huge part in my journey of learning. The most important thing about all of the medicine that I bring to my clients: it is an authentic fusion of personal experience and a deep appreciation for the origins of the craft. I am who I am because of my community. I welcome you into this beautiful vessel of self discovery and putting the humanity back in to being.