The Method behind the magic

Somatic bodywork and experiential coaching has been a journey to create, and many of the best journeys in the world come because there is a leader that has taken that road before you and can show you the way. In session I will be the tour guide to your body.

Let me explain.

As a human in need of some serious healing, I did what all desperate travelers would do; I tried as many roads as possible to get to where I desired to go and in that process I picked up some tools along the way.

It was as if the practitioners would point out things about myself that I had previously been unaware of, and it would spark my curiosity to dig deeper.

If that road was helpful for me, I knew it would be helpful for others too.

I learned that the mind is an active part of healing the body. Our culture in the US separates mind, body and spirit, but really we are all one integrated human, and when something is out of alignment in one area it affects the rest.

I loved how much I would get out of a session with my therapist. He really seemed to get what I needed, but when my emotions took over and my body had a memory show up, he was bound by his legal ethics to stay across the room and only use words to connect.

I needed more… I needed safe human contact to heal the parts of my story that needed mending the most.

So I went to Massage Therapy school and got the most incredible education. As I laid hands on my clients to practice, we learned what is actually happening below the surface of the skin and I realized this was the missing piece!

I get to help translate and tell the stories stored in the bodies of my clients through the power of touch and verbal processing together.

When my hands touch the muscles and I can feel the need to unpack something, we pause, and I share what I am experiencing, and my client shares as well.

In session we are two roadtripping renegades in search of new insights and energetic photo op moments in this quest to be the most whole and healthy version of yourself.

Thai Massage + Somatic Storytelling + Energy Work