Diffuse and ground the work experience
So that you can integrate your most harmonious self in all facets of life. integration of you as a leader, worker, and a human.
Did you know- that 57% of employees that left their job in 2022 stated their reason was that they felt disrespected at work! In the new age of employment it has never been more critical for leaders to lead from a place of embodied vision, and emotional intelligence.
But why does this matter?
As a leader traversing the world where we are more disconnected than ever before requires additional support- being the leader of an organization does not mean that the impact of the last 2 years has left you unscathed, in-fact can you feel the weight of the world in your body as you have been asked to be strong in the storm. This is not sustainable- and you are a vital part of your organization.
The human you are during the day at work impacts who you are on the highway driving home- than who you are with your family, children, housemates- and that impact ripples out to schools, workplaces, and relationships. A recent study from Harvard Business school reports the staggering figures of loneliness on the rise in the US (Read their findings here)- and that leads to financial consequences throughout the organization it has never been more critical to be an integrated and supported leader then now.
“Leadership is an active role; ‘lead’ is a verb. But the leader who tries to do it all is headed for burnout, and in a powerful hurry. ”
“Development Dimensions International’s Global Leadership Forecast 2021 reveals that nearly 60% of leaders reported they feel used up at the end of the workday, which is a strong indicator of burnout.”
What does having somatic support look like
You feel known
Define the triggers that are making life at work harder than it needs to be
Receive and co-create strategies for moving forward
Practice and integrate tools in a relatable way
Magnify and multiply your truth and purpose
Co-Create an environment of mutual respect in the workplace and outside of it